Up-Coming Events

Up-Coming Events

IJCAI-2023 Session on Medical Large Models, Symposium on Large Language Models (LLM 2023)

The symposium session, organized by Centre of AI and Robotics (CAIR), Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), will be a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their latest findings, breakthroughs, and applications in Medical Large Models. The symposium session will feature distinguished speakers who have made significant contributions to the field of medical AI, leveraging large and foundation models to drive innovation in healthcare. Each talk speaker will present their research and insights on how large models have enhanced medical image analysis, natural language processing in healthcare, drug discovery, and other medical applications.

August 21st, 2023

人工智能 x 基础科学系列论坛:当医学插上人工智能的翅膀

为了更好地促进学术交流,尤其是交叉学科和前沿工作的同行交流,中国科学院自动化研究所与机器之心联合举办「人工智能 x 基础科学系列论坛」,尝试在更轻松和开放的交流氛围下,邀请研究者分享近期工作,讨论领域热点问题。 6月29日15:00-17:00,中国科学院自动化研究所、中国科学院香港创新院人工智能与机器人创新中心、机器之心联合举办系列论坛第六期,以「当医学插上人工智能的翅膀」为主题,特邀中科院香港创新院副教授张忠凯博士主持,多位领域专家学者做技术分享,聚焦人工智能和医学的深度融合和应用,核心受众为人工智能和医学科学领域的学生、学者。


CAIR Medtech Seminar #3 : Systems Health Monitoring and Management

Abstract: With the advancement of AI, sensor technologies, and data collection tools, the field of systems health monitoring and management (SHMM) have been evolved over the past several decades under different names and application domains, such as statistical process control (SPC), process monitoring, health surveillance, prognostics and health management (PHM), engineering asset management (EAM), personalized medicine, etc. There are tremendous opportunities in interdisciplinary research of system monitoring through integration of SPC, system informatics, data analytics, PHM, and personalized health management. In this talk we will share our views and experiences in SHMM, its challenges and opportunities, as well as its applications in machine health management and human health management.


CAIR Medtech Seminar #2 : Computer-Assisted Planning for Image-guided Neurosurgery

The Epilepsy Navigation (EpiNav) software platform combines advanced deep learning image processing algorithms and computer assisted planning to aid neurosurgeons in stereotactic surgeries. EpiNav has been demonstrated to provide stereotactic plans with similar accuracy as expert human planners. Since 2017 EpiNav has been used prospectively to plan patient surgeries at the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery (United Kingdom) with no observed adverse effects. In this talk Dr. Sparks will overview the underpinning technologies of EpiNav, how it is being used in clinical practice, and her current research in deep learning and data-driven approaches to better understand and represent neuroimaging.


CAIR Medtech Seminar #1 : Real-time contact simulations in large-scale problems

Interactive simulations applied in virtual surgery and robotics are usually required to predict the complex behavior of deformable objects and to provide relevant information for users in real-time. Therefore, real-time Finite Element (FE) simulations have to meet the antagonistic requirements of accuracy and fast computation time at the same time. One of the essential issues in interactive simulations is the presence of contact and friction. To solve the contact problem in coupled systems, constraint-based techniques have been shown to be accurate and robust, but come at a high computational cost. In this talk, we will discuss a novel method that efficiently addresses the problem using a mathematical reformulation and a GPU-based implementation. The method leverages reduced and parallelized computation, enabling the computing of the compliance matrix to no longer be a bottleneck in contact problems.


邀请函 | 中国科学院自动化研究所紫东青年学者论坛

紫东青年学者论坛是中国科学院自动化研究所的品牌学术活动之一,旨在为智能科学与技术领域的海内外优秀青年学者搭建学术交流平台,通过学术研讨、国际合作与人才交流,分享领域前沿、启迪创新思维,延揽科技英才。 2023年,紫东青年学者论坛将通过线上和线下相结合的方式举行,同时也将根据研究方向举办分论坛系列活动,诚挚地邀请海内外优秀青年学者和曾在自动化所学习或工作过的海内外所友报名参加,共谋发展!

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