Current Vacancies

Current Vacancies

Research Assistant in AIGC


Job Responsibilities:

  1. Conduct research on AIGC and Large Language Model, e.g., ChatGPT, LLaMA, MiniGPT4, VisualChatGPT, for generative AI applications.
  2. Employ techniques such as LoRA for fine-tuning, as well as instructional and prompt-based fine-tuning on Large Language Models.
  3. Train generative models, including StableDiffusion model and ControlNet.
  4. Optimize performance and accelerate 3D model generation algorithms, providing technical solutions tailored to specific scenarios.
  5. Participate in academic activities, assist with applications for national and local scientific research projects, and contribute to the publication and transformation of research findings.


Job Requirements:

  1. Master’s degree in Computer Science/Engineering, Mathematics, Operations Research, Physics or a related discipline.
  2. Strong teamwork ability, with a readiness to engage in interdisciplinary research and collaborate with researchers from various backgrounds.
  3. Demostrated research experience with a proven track record of publications and technology innovation.

If interested, please send your resume to